Can I create one:many and many:many relationships between two SmartSheets?


I have two related SmartSheets covering different aspects of my data. I would like them to refer to each other so that I can ultimately pull certain aspects into a report. I prefer to use SmartSheet over SQL in order to take advantage of the workflow and approval capabilities.

However. I cannot figure out how to link data in the case of one:many and many:many relationships. See the example below (yellow is my desired result; blue are already linked since they are 1:1 relationships. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how to accomplish it?

Thanks in advance!


Best Answer

  • Etienne Mermillod
    Etienne Mermillod ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Have you already defined wich sheet will the the one storing the raw data, if not please define one (could be another sheet).

    On that sheet try to have only single selection drop down/contact list to make things easier.

    Then, create formula on the 2 sheets above to collect data from your store sheet.

    Note, in SQL the best way to stopre N-N relationships is by using a table in between, but as in smartsheet dumping data into one big large sheet, with possible duplicates is a better option on most cases.


  • Etienne Mermillod
    Etienne Mermillod ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Have you already defined wich sheet will the the one storing the raw data, if not please define one (could be another sheet).

    On that sheet try to have only single selection drop down/contact list to make things easier.

    Then, create formula on the 2 sheets above to collect data from your store sheet.

    Note, in SQL the best way to stopre N-N relationships is by using a table in between, but as in smartsheet dumping data into one big large sheet, with possible duplicates is a better option on most cases.

  • I'll try creating a flat file and see how that works. Many thanks!

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