2 SUMIFS NOT equal to 2 variations

A Rose
A Rose ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 07/21/22 in Formulas and Functions


I've tried the below formula but it doesn't work (instead of SUMIFS A AND SUMIFS B),

This works: =SUMIFS(pay:pay, [Code a]:[Code a], [Code a]@row, [code b]:[code b], "<>apple")

This doesn't work: =SUMIFS(pay:pay, [Code a]:[Code a], [Code a]@row, [code b]:[code b], "<>apple") + SUMIFS(pay:pay, [Code a]:[Code a], [Code a]@row, [code b]:[code b], "<>orange")

sample below, the + is duplicating the result.

How can I do both? adding the "OR" I also couldn't figure out:

=SUMIFS(pay:pay, [Code a]:[Code a], [Code a]@row, [code b]:[code b], OR("<>apple", "<>orange"))


Best Answer

  • Dan W
    Dan W ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/22/22 Answer ✓

    Does this work for you?

    =SUMIFS(Pay:Pay, [Code a]:[Code a], [Code a]@row, [Code b]:[Code b], <>"apple", [Code b]:[Code b], <>"Orange")


    =SUMIFS(Pay:Pay, [Code b]:[Code b], <>"apple", [Code b]:[Code b], <>"Orange", [Code b]:[Code b], [Code b]@row)


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