Help to count a column where neither 'Complete' 'Canceled' checkboxes are selected


Hi all,

I am trying to build a formula that references another sheet, mostly focusing on 3 columns in that sheet:

At Risk (symbol) | Completed (checkbox) | Canceled (Checkbox)

I am trying to count all the values in the At Risk column where neither Completed or Canceled checkboxes are selected. Basically, I'm trying to count active projects that are at risk. I keep getting errors in every formula I try so I was wondering maybe someone could help get it working.

I thought I finally had it with this:

=IF(AND({Completed Checkbox}, 0, {Canceled checkbox}, 0), COUNTIF({At Risk}, "High"))

And then got a new error I hadn't gotten before #INVALID DATA TYPE

Can anyone help?


Best Answer

  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Try this formula:

    =COUNTIFS({At Risk}, "Red", {Completed}, 0, {Canceled}, 0)

    The logic is:

    Count if all conditions are true (Range 1, Criterion 1, Range 2, Criterion 2, etc.)

    I hope that helps!


  • Julie Fortney
    Julie Fortney Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Try this formula:

    =COUNTIFS({At Risk}, "Red", {Completed}, 0, {Canceled}, 0)

    The logic is:

    Count if all conditions are true (Range 1, Criterion 1, Range 2, Criterion 2, etc.)

    I hope that helps!

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