Formula for Multiple Checkboxes

I have a sheet with submission form, in the form there are two different sections. One where they have to pick a checkbox option from a list of 4 and the other is one out of 8. I set it up this way to be able to provide details for each selection.

I'm trying to find a formula in the sheet so I can hide all the checkboxes and have two columns that auto-populate what was selected via checkbox in the two different sections of the rows. Their selections will be limited to 1 Job and 1 Department.





  • Melissa Boehl
    Melissa Boehl ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Spike I am not sure I completely understand what you are asking. I would think that using a dropdown field so they can select an option would be more efficient. Then I could help you build a formula to display their selections in once field (if that's what you are looking for). If I am understanding correctly, the reason you created multiple checkboxes and ask them to select one is because you wanted to be able to explain the options they are selecting from. Have you considered doing something similar to what I have done in the screenshot below?

    Melissa Boehl

    Smartsheet Architect | TurningPoint Energy

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