Estimate Date Planned against the target date


I need to calculate the planned date against the Go-Live date for each column. The dates are above the columns that should be prior to the Go-Live Target which is 10/31/22. I need to make the actual columns cells yellow for 3 dates against the planned date, red at the planned date. If a date is entered in actual column, the cell will turn green.

I am having a hard time to get this to work

Any help I will appreciate!


Thank you very much for any help!😉


Best Answer

  • Brent Wilson
    Brent Wilson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Rob_NYC your question is a two-parter...

    1. The dates need to be calculated and are simple math
    2. in the [Lan Migration Complete Planned] it would be =[Go-Live Target]
    3. In the [LAN Migration Scheduled Planned] it would be =[Lan Migration Complete Planned]-5
    4. In [LAN Migration Ready Approved Planned] it would be =[LAN Migration Scheduled Planned]-10
    5. In the [Lan Migration Ready Planned] it would be =[LAN Migration Ready Approved Planned]-13

    Then you would use conditional formats in for each cell.. It is a lot of coding for the individual cells..

    But you would have 3 conditional formats for each of the 4 cells so a total of 12

    For each cell you would need

    • if it has a date then green
    • if it is the planned date using the Today() function then Red
    • if the planned date is withing today(3) then yellow

    Brent C. Wilson, P.Eng, PMP, Prince2

    Facilityy Professional Services Inc.


  • Brent Wilson
    Brent Wilson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Rob_NYC your question is a two-parter...

    1. The dates need to be calculated and are simple math
    2. in the [Lan Migration Complete Planned] it would be =[Go-Live Target]
    3. In the [LAN Migration Scheduled Planned] it would be =[Lan Migration Complete Planned]-5
    4. In [LAN Migration Ready Approved Planned] it would be =[LAN Migration Scheduled Planned]-10
    5. In the [Lan Migration Ready Planned] it would be =[LAN Migration Ready Approved Planned]-13

    Then you would use conditional formats in for each cell.. It is a lot of coding for the individual cells..

    But you would have 3 conditional formats for each of the 4 cells so a total of 12

    For each cell you would need

    • if it has a date then green
    • if it is the planned date using the Today() function then Red
    • if the planned date is withing today(3) then yellow

    Brent C. Wilson, P.Eng, PMP, Prince2

    Facilityy Professional Services Inc.

  • Rob_NYC
    Rob_NYC ✭✭


    Thank you very much!


    Thank you very much for any help!😉


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