Is there a way to refer to the Row URL so that the link to the specific row can be used...

I have clients that get asked to review ticket information and they get informed via automation messages that their input is required. And, yes, those automation messages include the link to the Smartsheet at the very top of the email sent to them. However, they would like the URL for the row to be sent to them so that they can just click on that and go directly to the row (which is part of a much larger database). This would alleviate them having to search for the relevant row when opening the sheet and finding the relative row they need to update. Is there a formula or function that can pull in the row URL and save it in a cell? Right now, the only way I can see to do this is to copy from the Row URL shown in the row properties and paste it into a cell on the sheet.

Dr. Doug Williamson



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