Is it possible to get copies of emails sent out via automation (to a contact in a cell)?


I have an automation that sends out "Congratulations, you passed!" emails based on form submission/sheet data. Is it possible to retrieve copies of these emails that were sent in the past? In case the info is needed, my settings are "unrestricted," and email addresses are from contacts outside of my organization. Thank you!



  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Barbara Silva

    No, there currently isn't a way to view past emails that are sent from an Alert. You could potentially filter your sheet to show you all the rows that met the criteria for the workflow, if you're looking to see who received the email.

    If you want a copy of the actual email for your records, I would recommend adding a second action in the same workflow that sends the same notification to your email address as well. Let me know if that makes sense or if you'd like to see screen capture examples!



  • Barbara Silva

    Thank you so much, @Genevieve P. . I think that makes sense but, just to clarify, if I added my email address to a second action in the same workflow, would my copy include the recipient's name of the email from the first action? I need copies to "prove" that these contacts received the communication, so I need copies as if I were CCed on the email. Thanks again!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Barbara Silva

    That depends on what you bring in to that separate Alert block - assuming that the recipient name is on the row in Smartsheet, then yes, you can include the name in the email alert. Just make sure you select that column as a Field that you want to show in the email. See: Customize the content of your alerts and requests



  • Barbara Silva

    I appreciate all the help, @Genevieve P. !!

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