Multiple action blocks in automation?

Why can't I get multiple action blocks working?

There is a plus button before the clear cell action.


Any ideas?


  • itsnotbroken
    itsnotbroken ✭✭✭✭✭

    Forgot this screen shot...

  • Amit Wadhwani
    Amit Wadhwani ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @itsnotbroken

    Why don't you try creating a separate automation for this? I am curious to know what the first action is.

    Best Regards

    Amit Wadhwani, Smartsheet CoE, Ignatiuz Software, Exton, PA

    Best Regards
    Amit Wadhwani
    , Smartsheet Community Champion
    Smartsheet CoE, Ignatiuz, Inc., Exton, PA

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  • itsnotbroken
    itsnotbroken ✭✭✭✭✭

    I thought they should be in one automation so they ran in that order. If I make 2 automations, I am not sure we can control which one runs first.

    I'm only guessing as to why there is a plus sign indicating I can add morre actions, but it doent let me add them.

  • I am having the same issue with an automation. @itsnotbroken , did you ever get resolution on this issue? Thanks!

  • itsnotbroken
    itsnotbroken ✭✭✭✭✭

    No solution yet. This just got pushed to the back of the pile.

    The last good idea was to run a SEPARATE automation for each step, but then I need some other trigger to make sure they run in the correct order.

    If I'm going to to that, then EVERY separate automation needs some sort of update to tell us where we are in the workflow. My hunch is that I'll need to add a lot of new helper columns just to tell us where we are in the workflow.

    Maybe I'll resurrect this project now.

  • johngraham78
    johngraham78 ✭✭✭✭

    This is a shortcoming in my opinion. There are times when the actions could conflict with each other, so smartsheet appears to have decided to not allow them in general. For example, if could move a row then change a value, then that would not make sense. In my case I want to change values of two separate fields. Not sure why that cannot happen.

    I have seen that they will allow something like a cell value change, and send a notification.