
Michael Barton
edited 08/24/22 in Smartsheet Basics

I am running a copy row automation on a sheet with multiple users. When two users add a row to the sheet via a form simultaneously, the copy row automation does not work for one of the users. I believe this is because there is not enough time for the system to evaluate the automation over the internet before the addition of the second row.

I had been thinking of using the offline function on the form to overcome this, but I do not know if the data would be added sequentially to the sheet once the connection is returned to the input device I am using.

Please let me know if there is any way I can ensure the row copy automation is working consistently when multiple users are using the same form and sheet in a remote location where the internet connection is slow and unreliable.

Thanks and kind regards




  • @Michael Barton

    Would you like to try adding a helper column and use a workflow to "Update a Cell Value" to Something like "Initiate Copy Rows"

    and then initiate your current copy workflow when value of this helper column becomes "Initiate Copy Rows"

    this should eliminate the concurrent user access issue to some extent

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Hi Michael,

    Form submissions as well as offline form submissions from the mobile apps come in to the sheet on a first in first out basis with the only exception being if a submission fails.

