Limit the number of workflows run concurrently - configurable?

Vojtech Gajdos
edited 09/06/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hi everyone

I am getting and error "This workflow was triggered by at least 5 other workflows" and consequent disabling of workflows which is causing us a real issue - the fact that the same workflow is run multiple times (>5 times) is a normal state not an error and so we need to enable this to run normally. Is there a way to turn this check off (possible get notification but not disable the workflows) or change the max number of concurrent number to anything higher than 5?



Best Answer


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It isn't that the workflow has run too many times. It is because there are too many other workflows within the chain.

    Workflow 1 triggers Workflow 2 triggers Workflow 3 triggers Workflow 4 triggers Workflow 5 triggers Workflow 6

  • Hi @Paul Newcome thanks for your answer. The thing is - even if that is the case (which would be strange since the error message "This workflow was triggered by at least 5 other workflows" indicates something very different) it still is not and error since our workflows in the sheet (84 of them) are very complex so such triggering chain is normal. Do you know if that "error" check can be turned off anyhow or modified? Or - do you know if there is some comprehensive explanation that we could at use to fully understand what this does?

    Many thanks


  • Ella
    Ella ✭✭✭✭

    @Vojtech Gajdos perhaps look into how you can combine some of the workflows to reduce size. 84 is a lot.

  • @Paul Newcome my observation up till now shows that the problem is in fact occurring when the same workflow is triggered for various rows! Which makes not much sense to me really - or at least this has nothing to do with avoidance of workflows looping but rather overall performance.

    What is happening - when the workflow sequence is triggered for just one row the error message discussed does not come up, however if the same happens for more rows concurrently (not sure as to the number yet but it certainly was occurring for 2 rows) the message does come up.

    Does this make any sense?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Vojtech Gajdos I understand what you are saying, but that doesn't make sense to me that it would operate like that. I have never had an issue with the same workflow running multiple times back to back, and the only time I have run into that specific error is when I have the looped/chained workflows as I had outlined previously.

    You may want to reach out to Support as what you have described should not be happening.

  • Thanks @Paul Newcome you may be right in the end. To that - I know one has to have a very good idea as to what is the workflows chain and especially with more complex ones it can easily get out of control :) What would help I guess is to have some diagnostic tools to allow one to see what's going on in the situations like we are facing at the moment (a wishful thinking :))

    Thanks a lot


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Vojtech Gajdos Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

    One thing I do when I start getting into the more complex workflows is draw out a flowchart. Those things have saved my bacon on many occasions.

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