Calculating Projected End Date depending on IF Formula

Hi all,

Depending on the type of project being under taken, it will determine the project length, I want use this to estimate an end date for the project by adding 30/60/90 workdays to the start date.

I've used the below formula, buts its returning #UNPARSEABLE, have I missed a parenthesis or a comma? or is the issue that by increasing the days, the months also potentially changes?

=IF([Project Type]@row = "JDI (Up to 1 Month project - Just Do It - run departmentally and CI informed when completed)", DATE(YEAR([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row), MONTH([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row), DAY([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row) + 30))), IF([Project Type]@row = "Kaizen (Up to 3 Month project - Run by department, but doesn't need A3 Thinking and is supported by CI/Green Belts)", DATE(YEAR([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row), MONTH([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row), DAY([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row) + 60))), IF([Project Type]@row = "A3 Thinking (Up to 6 month project and requires CI/Green Belt Coaching)", DATE(YEAR([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row), MONTH([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row), DAY([SLT Confirmed Start Date]@row) + 90))

Could I also swap out 'DAY' and replace with 'WORKDAYS' to find out the project end date without counting weekends?



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