Sumifs syntax help

trying to get a sum for the number of OT sessions for each student in a given week

not sure what's wrong with my formula

=SUMIFS([Todays Week ]@row, {Week Number}, [Student Code]@row, {OT Student Code}, {OT Sessions},=>1)

I'm trying to sum the number in the OT session column of a separate sheet if the week number matches matches todays week column and the student code in my row matches with the student code in the separate sheet. I dont think i need the =>1 in the sessions count because if there's a 0 or no valuse the session log it should still calculate but I couldn't get it to work and I thought it needed some kind of criterion there



Best Answer

  • Vojtech Gajdos
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dell55, there is something weird in your formula (the arguments being jumbled up) - the first argument of SUMIFS is the range of cells you are trying to sum up and - I guess it's not the [TODAY Week]? To me the formula should rather be:

    =SUMIFS({OT Sessions}, {Week Number}, [Todays Week ]@row, {OT Student Code}, [Student Code]@row)

    Hope it makes sense but pls get back if unclear




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