Formulas and Functions

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What formula do I use for Grading?

edited 09/13/22 in Formulas and Functions

I have a sheet used for grading our product. There is a final score for each product out of 36. I would like to use a formula that uses the final score to give the product a "Grade".

0-12 = C, 13-23 = B, 24-29 = A, 30-36 = A+

How do I set up a formula to kick out a letter grade in a cell depending on a range of numbers in another cell in the same sheet?


Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    edited 09/13/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @Nate420

    Try this and let me know if it works for you:

    =IF([Final Score]@row = 0, "C", IF([Final Score]@row < 13, "C", IF([Final Score]@row < 24, "B", IF([Final Score]@row < 30, "A", IF([Final Score]@row < 37, "A+", "False")))))

    If any grade exceeds 36 the word "False" will populate. You can replace "False" in the quotations reflect anything you wish, or add to the formula.


  • Community Champion
    edited 09/13/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @Nate420

    Try this and let me know if it works for you:

    =IF([Final Score]@row = 0, "C", IF([Final Score]@row < 13, "C", IF([Final Score]@row < 24, "B", IF([Final Score]@row < 30, "A", IF([Final Score]@row < 37, "A+", "False")))))

    If any grade exceeds 36 the word "False" will populate. You can replace "False" in the quotations reflect anything you wish, or add to the formula.

  • ✭✭✭

    @Mr. Chris This worked perfect thank you.

    I would also like to add a formula to the same sheet that shows a Pass or a Fail depending on three other columns.

    If Mold Present column say "No" & the Seeds per 100g column says "None" or & the Foreign Matter column says "No" mark the cell as a PASS. If Mold Present column says "Yes - Beige" or "Yes-Grey" or "Yes-Black" & the Seeds per 100g column says "<5" & the Foreign Matter column says "Yes" mark the cell as FAIL.

    Is this possible?

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