Does INDEX(MATCH) work on a column with a formula?

Caroline Henne
edited 09/15/22 in Formulas and Functions

I am attempting to use the INDEX(MATCH) formula with the range being a column that is calculated with a formula. I keep getting a #NOMATCH message - can MATCH only work on a column that has actual values (i.e., not values calculated from a formula)?

I am trying to use this formula:

=INDEX({Billing Code}, MATCH([Identifier CALCULATED]@row, {List 1 Identifier}))

where the [Identifier CALCULATED] column is generating an Identifier by pulling the first 6 characters from a longer code with this column formula:

=LEFT([Project Code]@row, 6)


Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Caroline Henne

    There can be NoMatches sometimes if one term within the MATCH is a number and the other is a text string.

    Try forcing your calculated term to a number by wrapping it in a VALUE function. Also we will add a zero to the end of the MATCH function to indicated unsorted data. In the countless Index/Matches I've done, I always add the zero.

    =INDEX({Billing Code}, MATCH(VALUE([Identifier CALCULATED]@row), {List 1 Identifier},0))

    Does this work for you?



  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Caroline Henne

    There can be NoMatches sometimes if one term within the MATCH is a number and the other is a text string.

    Try forcing your calculated term to a number by wrapping it in a VALUE function. Also we will add a zero to the end of the MATCH function to indicated unsorted data. In the countless Index/Matches I've done, I always add the zero.

    =INDEX({Billing Code}, MATCH(VALUE([Identifier CALCULATED]@row), {List 1 Identifier},0))

    Does this work for you?


  • Thank you! Yes, this worked. Really appreciate it.

  • BB2791
    BB2791 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm also having a "NO MATCH" issue when I know the value exists. I tried using the suggestion provided by @Kelly Moore and wrapped one of my reference columns "Full Name" in a VALUE function however now the error went from "NO MATCH" to "INVALID VALUE." Is there anything blantantly wrong with my formula?

    =INDEX({Interview Date/Time}, MATCH(VALUE([Full Name]@row), {Full Name - Interview Sheet}, 0))

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @BB2791

    The VALUE function is used when the result is a number. I'm assuming that Full Name is not a numeric field.

    Is it possible to share a screenshot of both your source sheet and your target sheet? It would be helpful to see how text in both the Full Name columns are listed. Also, in your source sheet (interview sheet). Could you double click in Full Name cell where it should have produced a match and make sure that the name isn't proceeded by an apostrophe? The apostrophe will only show up when you double click within that cell


  • BB2791
    BB2791 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Kelly Moore

    Thanks for getting back so quickly. You're correct that "Full Name" isn't a numeric field. It is a formula column:

    =[First Name]@row + " " + [Middle Initial]@row + " " + [Last Name]@row

    Here's a screenshot of the Target Sheet (I'm trying to pull in the Interview Date/Time using the "Full Name" column as my common data point)

    Screenshot below of the source sheet:

    Confirming there's no apostrophe in the source sheet "Full Name" column:

    This is the formula I've been trying to use:

    =INDEX({Interview Date/Time}, MATCH(VALUE([Full Name]@row), {Full Name - Interview Sheet}, 0))

    Without the VALUE function I get a "NO MATCH" error. I have been able to get the formula to work if I create a new column and type in the Full Name in plain text with no formula combining the cells. However, because of the way the information is collected (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), I'm not sure of how I can get rid of a formula column since I have to string the values together.

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @BB2791

    Thanks for the screenshots, they are helpful. You can go ahead and remove the VALUE function from your Match - that's what is giving you the INVALID Data error since your data isn't not numeric. I'd like to see the screenshot of the NOMATCH errors once the VALUE is removed

    On your target sheet, how are the Full Names being entered?

  • BB2791
    BB2791 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Kelly Moore

    Here's the screenshot of the "NO MATCH" errors now that the VALUE function was removed

    The names in the target sheet "Fellowship Application" are entered via form in 3 fields (first name, middle initial, last name):

    The names in the source sheet "Fellowship Candidate Interview Availablity" are entered via a different form with only one "Full Name" field

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @BB2791

    The two forms, asking for the free text info in different ways, will probably continue to be a challenge for you. Does your Candidate Availability form instruct the user to enter the Fullname as First Middle Initial Last in the Helper text on the form? Even that isn't full proof

    To better mitigate the risk of someone typing different responses, you could

    (1) Add the First, Middle Initial, and Last Name fields to your Target sheet and build the same concatenated formula on your Target sheet. This should provide an exact match - assuming they typed correctly.


    (2) If your smartsheet license gives you access to Datashuttle, build an OFFLOAD workflow for your source sheet then an UPLOAD workflow to populate dropdown lists and change the Full Name column to a dropdown where they select their name. That would guarantee an exact match. This may sound complicated but it is very straight forward to do.

    However, in the meantime, substitute this formula on your SOURCE SHEET for your Full Name Formula. This will get rid of the extra space that is currently causing you grief.

    =IF([Middle Initial]@row = "", [First Name]@row + " " + [Last Name]@row, [First Name]@row + " " + [Middle Initial]@row + " " + [Last Name]@row)


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