Average using data from another sheet

Hello! I need some help with pulling from another sheet to complete my formula.

I'd like to be able to demonstrate week over week improvements (or opportunities) pulling from a master sheet of data to another, new sheet pulling from specific set of key data fields.

For example: On my master sheet I have information collected by date (via form). I'd like to run an average based on a range of dates (weekly, bi-weekly and monthly).

I could get formula in a sheet summary to work, however I will eventually exceed the limited 200 fields in sheet summary. I just don't know how to write the formula on another sheet.

I attached a picture of my sheet.

Best Answer

  • Lindsey.Jones
    Lindsey.Jones ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I actually think I just got lucky and solved my own question!

    =AVG(COLLECT({OK CTMU Daily Census FY23 Range 1}, {OK CTMU Daily Census FY23 Range 2}, >=[Start Date]@row, {OK CTMU Daily Census FY23 Range 2}, <=[End Date]@row))


  • Lindsey.Jones
    Lindsey.Jones ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I actually think I just got lucky and solved my own question!

    =AVG(COLLECT({OK CTMU Daily Census FY23 Range 1}, {OK CTMU Daily Census FY23 Range 2}, >=[Start Date]@row, {OK CTMU Daily Census FY23 Range 2}, <=[End Date]@row))

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