The notification step immediately after an approval step is sometimes not working


My user has account setting with all notification turned on. He has been receiving automated notification about an approval provided. Until recently, the notifications/request is sometimes not being sent, even if the condition set prior to the workflow is met.

Oddly, the subsequent workflow step after the Alert gets triggered every time (screenshot of flow as included).

Can anyone help to suggest what might be wrong?


  • Brandon R.
    Brandon R. Employee

    Looking at the workflow, you have two of the same condition setup where one condition follows after the first action block.

    What I would do in this situation since one action is alert someone, and the other one is to request an update is duplicate the workflow, and change the second workflow (the one you duplicated) to the request an update. This way, when the workflow triggers on the sheet it will run both at the same time. So one person is notified, one person receives a request to update.

    Note though that with workflows, any changes made AFTER the workflow is created will trigger. Rows created BEFORE the workflow was generated will not be affected. This same process goes for any changes made to a workflow. It is advised to change a workflow first, save, exit the workflow manager and save your sheet and then trigger your changes.

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