Formulas and Functions

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Sum by Date Formula - Need Help

=SUMIF({CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g}, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date}, YEAR(@cell) = 2021)

I am trying to use this formula to sum the total grams if the harvest date was in the year 2021 but am getting "Invalid Operation".

=SUMIFS({CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g}, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date}, YEAR(@cell) = 2021, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Grade}, =1)

I am also trying the above formula to try and sum for the year and grade but am getting "Invalid Data Type".



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Nate420,

    in this formula I see a few issues: =SUMIF({CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g}, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date}, YEAR(@cell) = 2021)

    I'm gonna assume the following:

    {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g} = weight to sum in sheet

    {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date} = year column in sheet

    YEAR(@cell) = 2021 = criterion

    If this is correct, the formula should read =

    =sumif({CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date}, 2021, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g})

    For the second formula: =SUMIFS({CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g}, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date}, YEAR(@cell) = 2021, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Grade}, =1)

    I think you want this:

    =SUMIFS({CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Flower g}, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Harvest Date}, 2021, {CFL Batch Summaries 2021-Present Grade}, 1)

    Hope this helps



  • ✭✭✭

    This formula brings back 0.0 for some reason but there should be a large number. Maybe because I have a full date in the column and not just the year?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Nate420 that means the formula is working. Yes, if you don't have a year column than it won't return the proper number. Add a column called year, add the year formula =Year(date field@row), make it a column formula. Use this year column as your criteria range column.



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