How to enter specific text if the cell contains a partial match?

kaia2001 ✭✭
edited 09/29/22 in Formulas and Functions

My If statement: =IF(OR([Task Name]@row = "Discovery", [Task Name]@row = "Analysis", [Task Name]@row = "Build", [Task Name]@row = "Test", [Task Name]@row = "Deploy", [Task Name]@row = "Design"), "PMO", IF(OR([Task Name]@row = "PER", [Task Name]@row = "PRT", [Task Name]@row = "CK1 RTS", [Task Name]@row = "CK2 RTB", [Task Name]@row = "CK3 VT", [Task Name]@row = "CK6 RTD"), "CKPT", IF(OR([Task Name]@row = "Project COMMs", [Task Name]@row = "MTG:", [Task Name]@row = "EMAIL:"), "COMM", COUNT(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row)) - 1)))

For the If formula in bold I want to return the word "COMM" to the Milestone Group column if the text "MTG" or "EMAIL" is found anywhere in a cell in the Task Name column.

How can I write this formula for this to happen?

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