Shortcut for nested IF function


I am tying columns together in a sheet so that when the user selects a product from a dropdown from a cell, it will automatically populate the product's manufacturer. I can do this using the following:

=IF([Product Description]@row = "Product 1", "Company 1", IF([Product Description]@row = "Product 2", "Company 2", IF([Product Description]@row = "Product 3", "Company 3", IF([Product Description]@row = "Product 4", "Company 4"))))

However as there are about 100 possible products to choose from I am wondering if there is a faster or easier way to do this (e.g. not have a massive nested IF function)


Best Answer

  • Lee Joramo
    Lee Joramo ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/30/22 Answer ✓

    You will want to do a VLOOKUP to another sheet that maintains these relationships of Product to Company. For example lets create a second sheet with two columns called "Product to Company"

    Products     Company
    Product 1    Company 1
    Product 2    Company 2
    Product 3    Company 1
    Product 4    Company 2
    Product 5    Company 5

    Now in your original sheet use the formula:

    =VLOOKUP(Product@row, {Product to Company Range 1}, 2, false)



  • tmckivergan
    tmckivergan ✭✭✭

    For clarification, it is also not 1:1. For example, Products 1, 4 and 5 may all be made at Company 3.

  • Lee Joramo
    Lee Joramo ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/30/22 Answer ✓

    You will want to do a VLOOKUP to another sheet that maintains these relationships of Product to Company. For example lets create a second sheet with two columns called "Product to Company"

    Products     Company
    Product 1    Company 1
    Product 2    Company 2
    Product 3    Company 1
    Product 4    Company 2
    Product 5    Company 5

    Now in your original sheet use the formula:

    =VLOOKUP(Product@row, {Product to Company Range 1}, 2, false)


  • tmckivergan
    tmckivergan ✭✭✭

    Worked perfectly. Thank you!

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