Submitted Form going to the wrong form and wrong sheet

I've created three different forms for our employees to submit requests to the creative team for designs. One form is for the Start design, which gathers all the basic data for the job stats as well as input for the Start design. The second form is like a change or revision request, it was saved as a new form from the Start request form, but it's a scaled back version only asking the submitter to give info on what changes need to be made. The third form is for a different type of designer to work on a different level of the project.

All three forms are different forms asking different info, but they seem to be linked somehow. For example, someone just entered info in the Start form, but the email notification came over like it was in the Change/revision form, and the info populated to the Change/revision form, even though it was the Start form that was used.

Please, help!


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I'm guessing that all three forms are created from the same sheet. I would suggest deactivating 2 of the 3 and then testing out the remaining active one. See what notification emails are sent from it, review the Automation settings very closely for the email notification, include a note at least temporarily in the email notification for which form should have been submitted. Also check each Automation for the email notification and make sure there are no overlapping variables that would cause the email notification for form 1 to trigger when form 2 is submitted, etc.

  • They were created from the same sheet. I'm just wondering how I disconnect them.

    I didn't connect them. I resaved as a new sheet, renamed, changed them, saved, etc.

    Should I just delete them and start the second and third forms from scratch?

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Forms on the same sheet don't get "connected". You probably set up the Automations with a conflict and you're getting a notification about Form 2 when Form 1 was submitted because there is something you're missing.

    Yes, if you cannot figure it out then scrap it all and delete or deactivate all forms and automations and start over.

  • yes, that makes sense. They're not super complicated forms, so I think the easiest thing now would just be to scrape them and start over. Thanks for your help, Mike!