Reduce IF formula with OR condition

Hello everybody!

Hope you are doing well.

I am creating a board for a project that we are about to start and I want the symbol identifiers to be auto-populated based on statuses and blocks/defects.

I was able to put together the formula below, which works, but I am sure I can reduce it with an OR condition, but I am not sure how to accomplish that.

=IF(Blocked@row = 1, "Red", IF([Defect Identified]@row = 1, "Blue", IF(Status@row = "Backlog", "Yellow", IF(Status@row = "Done", "Green", IF(Status@row = "Next", "Yellow", IF(Status@row = "Analysis", "Yellow", IF(Status@row = "Building/Redacting", "Yellow", IF(Status@row = "Review", "Yellow"))))))))

There are several statuses for which I will want the identifier to be yellow, but when I try to enter OR I get an error.

Any help is appreciated.



Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Josue RQ

    =IF(Blocked@row = 1, "Red", IF([Defect Identified]@row = 1, "Blue", IF(Status@row = "Done", "Green", IF(OR(Status@row = "Backlog", Status@row = "Next", Status@row = "Analysis", Status@row = "Building/Redacting", Status@row = "Review"), "Yellow"))))


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