Automated notifications from wrong sheet

Hello, has anyone experienced workflow notifications being sent from a different sheet? We received several today- The linked sheet was correct, however all the information was from a different sheet.


  • Jamie Jae
    Jamie Jae ✭✭✭

    One more thing- I did confirm all the notifications for the "other" sheet were turned off.

  • Hi @Jamie Jae

    Is it possible that the rows were moved to the second sheet, but were first a part of the original sheet?

    If this doesn't explain the behaviour, it would be helpful to see screen captures of the workflow set up and the email sent (but please block out sensitive data).



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  • Jamie Jae
    Jamie Jae ✭✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thank you for your response. The two sheets are not related other than for separate launches.

    I've been working with my account rep and it looks like it has to do with the outage last week.