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Date Formulas

April Rosier
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Is there a way to start a date in one cell in one columns and it add x amount of days to it is sequential columns?


Row1: Name of group; Kick-off date; 14 days after kickoff date; 20 days after kickoff date, etc....

Advance thanks!


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Do you want work days or calendar days? 

    =[Kickoff Date Column]1+15  --- will give you 15 calendar days after the kickoff

    =Workday([Kickoff Date Column]1, 15) -- will give you 15 business days after the kickoff date column. 

    Those fomulas assume you are using them in the first row. Update the row number to match whichever row you are first using it in... then click on the cell and drag the bottom-right-hand corner down to populate the rest. You will also need to make sure the column type is a date column. 

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