Need Help with I think an IF Statement

I am trying to generate a date in one column based on an input from a drop down in another column. We have 3 complexity levels Low, Moderate, and High. Low equals 7 days from today, Moderate equals 17 days from today, and High equals 32 days from today. Below is what I have tried and it is not working.

=IF((Complexity@row = "High", TODAY(32)), (IF(Complexity@row = "LOW", TODAY(7))), (IF(Complexity@row = "Moderate", TODAY(17))))

Best Answer

  • Pamelam
    Pamelam ✭✭
    edited 10/27/22 Answer ✓


    It appears to be an issue of parentheses. You need to embed your next IF formula as the 'value_if_false' of the IF statement before it.

    Use this one if you want to default to Moderate when the Complexity Cell is Blank: =IF((Complexity@row = "High", TODAY(32)), (IF(Complexity@row = "LOW", TODAY(7))), (IF(Complexity@row = "Moderate", TODAY(17), TODAY(17))))

    Use this one if you want to instruct people to enter the Complexity when it is left blank: =IF(Complexity@row = "High", TODAY(32), IF(Complexity@row = "Low", TODAY(7), IF(Complexity@row = "Moderate", TODAY(17), "Enter Complexity")))

    I hope that that help!


  • Pamelam
    Pamelam ✭✭
    edited 10/27/22 Answer ✓


    It appears to be an issue of parentheses. You need to embed your next IF formula as the 'value_if_false' of the IF statement before it.

    Use this one if you want to default to Moderate when the Complexity Cell is Blank: =IF((Complexity@row = "High", TODAY(32)), (IF(Complexity@row = "LOW", TODAY(7))), (IF(Complexity@row = "Moderate", TODAY(17), TODAY(17))))

    Use this one if you want to instruct people to enter the Complexity when it is left blank: =IF(Complexity@row = "High", TODAY(32), IF(Complexity@row = "Low", TODAY(7), IF(Complexity@row = "Moderate", TODAY(17), "Enter Complexity")))

    I hope that that help!

  • @Pamelam Thank you very much that worked great

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