Multiple (unwanted) dates entered from an action from a single workflow ?

Morning all,

Have managed to successfully write and execute some workflows on my Smartsheet's, and when activating them and getting them executed in the real world, I get an odd issue.

The workflow (there are multiple ones that have the similar approval, condition & actions, but based on data in different columns (see the typical part of the workflow below).

I've tested the workflow individually, and they worked fine. Date gets recorded in the right column, the approval status gets done right. Great.

So the time comes to start unleashing more than one workflow on the Smartsheet participants. I started with 3 key stakeholders.

The issue is that when ONE of them approved their tasks, the date is recorded against the correct task in the correct column (purple shaded cells) and correct Task Approval Status (last column), BUT, the date also gets recorded in the other two columns for the key stakeholders that the workflows have been released ??

Any suggestions as to what is causing this ?




  • crittcg
    crittcg ✭✭

    I had the same issue...

    I'm assuming you have a "Save response in: Most Recent Approval" or somewhere else that is the same for each approval workflow (be sure to take a screen shot of everything, helps sort out the little things).

    Think of the back end of the Request an Approval box as it's own separate workflow. It's condition is When {{Most Recent Approval}} changes to "Approved" or Declined"... After they approve it in one workflow and that cell udpates, the Approved or Declined branches in the other workflows trigger as well, even if the conditions before that approval chain aren't met (in your case, when it's Not Applic. or whatever it is we can't see)...

    I worked around this by essentially having the same condition on the front and back end of all approval workflows. So if your trigger is "When ORC Task changes to Not Applic.", create a condition on both the approved and declined branches "Where ORC Task is one of Not Applic.".

    Here's an example from one of mine. Without those conditions, when stage approvals were being denied or approved in other instances, they were getting the responses from other approval requests as well...

    Hope this helps.

  • crittcg
    crittcg ✭✭

    I believe the other work around is to create a new column for every approval response, which just adds more data into your sheet. Personally I'd rather just add conditions on the backend, but it is an option if you can't get the conditions to work.

    Add columns for every Request an Approval Box you have in your sheet, select it here.

  • Hiya crittcg,

    Thanks for the replies. I've attached the full workflow below, and will try and answer your questions.

    I'd rather not add in separate approval columns, so will try and work through the 1st option that you mention.

    I'm assuming you have a "Save response in: Most Recent Approval" or somewhere else that is the same for each approval workflow (be sure to take a screen shot of everything, helps sort out the little things).

    The 'Record a date' is in a specific column for that workflow, and it saves the date in the correct column and line, but then adds the date in two other columns (which workflows happen to be active - I think this is the issue here ...).

    Think of the back end of the Request an Approval box as it's own separate workflow. It's condition is When {{Most Recent Approval}} changes to "Approved" or Declined"... After they approve it in one workflow and that cell udpates, the Approved or Declined branches in the other workflows trigger as well, even if the conditions before that approval chain aren't met (in your case, when it's Not Applic. or whatever it is we can't see)...

    What I have setup is the above workflow for EACH of the 10 different groups that are involved in various task approvals. The 'Task' can apply to different groups, and the 1st condition is used to determine if that task change applies to them, and then sends them the 'Request for Approval' with some information. That part works well. The right people get the right email when the task status changes. (Phew !).

    To set things in motion, I change the 'Task Status' as the task progresses, with only Not Appl or Comp to Approve being the triggers (separate workflow for each status type, as the message to the key stakeholder is subtly different).

    If the stakeholder approves the change, the date is entered, and the Task Status is recorded correctly (either submitted when the workflow is sent or Declined/Approved when either action is selected by the key stakeholder. If it is Declined, I get the return email stating that, so that part of the workflow functions as required.

    As per the image in the initial question, the date gets entered across ALL three of the columns for the related workflows that are active, but only ONE key stakeholder has approved his tasks.

    I worked around this by essentially having the same condition on the front and back end of all approval workflows. So if your trigger is "When ORC Task changes to Not Applic.", create a condition on both the approved and declined branches "Where ORC Task is one of Not Applic.".

    Here's an example from one of mine. Without those conditions, when stage approvals were being denied or approved in other instances, they were getting the responses from other approval requests as well...

    I think I get that (still new at this !) and will have a play with it today and see what happens, thanks.

    Hopefully the above clarifies my request (and issues) !
