Search Function does not find item in all sheets - URGENT!!!!!

Paul Johnson1
Paul Johnson1 ✭✭✭✭
edited 11/10/22 in Smartsheet Basics

Can you help here urgently as it is causing chaos in our company production and service Depts.

This new search function change that SS have made has absolutely no advantages and major disadvantages.

I see quite a number of issues raised on this in the forum, can we get this rolled back as there was nothing wrong with the previous search function!! 

We use the search function extensively to find serial numbers of products as we use SS as our lifecycle management tool. 

Our service Team have just discovered that searching for a serial number does not find its instance in all sheets, only some. 

Previously we could see it on all.


  • Yvette
    Yvette ✭✭✭
    edited 11/14/22

    My system has 546 active users and they are not able to accurately search and retrieve data! The latest updates to the search function have rendered it all but useless because the search results are incomplete. Has anyone found a way to return complete search results. I tried using " " but that does not work either.

  • I feel the same way as noted above. From what I gather, Smartsheet doesn't feel that there's a problem and the search feature is fully functioning. We need a clear response from SS as to why so many are having issues.