Calendar view on the dashboard

Hi all,

Is there a way to display the "calendar" view of a sheet as a widget on a dashboard? I don't see anyway to do that. I found some instructions but it said to copy/paste the calendars url link in a web content widget, but that gives me an error (see below).

Jacque Smith

Project Controls, MSR-FSR

Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    On the sheet you want to put on the dashboard, go to the Publish settings on the right sidebar and turn it on for either 'Read Only - HTML', 'Read Only - Full', or 'Edit by Anyone'. Then on the next window at the very bottom set the Default View dropdown to Calendar. Then copy the Embed Code information in that box. Put that Embed Code stuff in the dashboard Web Content Widget like you were trying to do before.


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    On the sheet you want to put on the dashboard, go to the Publish settings on the right sidebar and turn it on for either 'Read Only - HTML', 'Read Only - Full', or 'Edit by Anyone'. Then on the next window at the very bottom set the Default View dropdown to Calendar. Then copy the Embed Code information in that box. Put that Embed Code stuff in the dashboard Web Content Widget like you were trying to do before.

  • jacquedale
    jacquedale ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mike TV Thank you so much! This is brilliant and so easy. I knew it probably would be I just couldn't figure it out. 😉🤩

    Jacque Smith

    Project Controls, MSR-FSR

  • AClifford
    AClifford ✭✭✭

    I think I am losing it. I can not figure out where the 'next window' might be?! Please help.

    "Then on the next window at the very bottom set the Default View dropdown to Calendar."

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    SmartSheet has changed the Publish screen since my post. Now you have to change "Read Only - Full" to on and then the next screen you'll see the Default View dropdown choice. You won't have that choice at all on the "Read Only - HTML" option turned on.

  • AClifford
    AClifford ✭✭✭

    I wondered if that might of been the case! I was trying to do Read-Only-HTML so I was not provided that option. I see it clear as day now!

    A hear and half later and the information is still relevant!

    Thank you!

  • Hi - these instructions were great for getting my calendar view displayed on my Dashboard. I selected the 'Edit by Anyone' and then 'Only available to users on the same Smartsheet plan as this item'. The calendar displays beautifully and appears to have some ability to edit the calendar data from the Dashboard. When I click on a calendar item, a pop out box appears that allows me to edit the data entered in that particular row of the grid view. The comment feature is also available in this pop up box. If I add a comment here, it immediately appears in my grid view associated with the correct row (great!). However if I update any row data - E.g. adjust the date of the activity - this change displays on the calendar dashboard view but does not update in the grid view row data. Am I missing something re: how to update data directly from the calendar dashboard view so that the data is also updated in the underlying grid?

    Thanks so much,


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    It probably just hasn't saved the data you entered from the dashboard calendar. Look around for a save button and click it. If you cannot find it, go to the View menu at the top-left and change the Auto-Refresh to 1 minute. It will either prompt you to save after 1 minute or it will automatically save, I imagine. Should fix it for you probably.

  • Thanks for your quick response. I'm attaching a screen shot of the pop up window, there is an 'OK' or 'Cancel' button at the bottom, but no SAVE. If I click the 'OK' button, the window closes and the change will be made in the calendar dashboard, but not in the underlying sheet. Also, just tried closing the dashboard and re-opening, and the new data was not maintained in the calendar dashboard. Definitely seems like missing a SAVE button could be the problem, but I just don't see a SAVE option anywhere, and in that case, what is the 'OK' button for?!

  • AHHH Got it!! That did it! Thank you!!