Using Summary Report With Only One Sheet


I am attempting to generate a Summary Report for a sheet that I created, yet the column headers are not matching:

Is it because I'm only using one sheet in my report? The tutorial I watched showed multiple sheets being added at once.

Thank You,


Best Answer

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Benjamin O'Leary,

    It appears that you selected "Sheet Summary Report" instead of "Row Report" when first creating the Report.

    The Sheet Summary report offers system fields as well as fields from the Sheet Summary section.

    Row Reports are intended to summarize the data in the grid, and when using this option you will see the regular columns listed.

    Create a new report from scratch, and select Row Report this time around.

    All the best,



  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/16/22

    Hi @Benjamin O'Leary,

    You can click on the Columns button, and select which columns from your sheet you want to display.

    The Sheet Name is selected by default, but you can deselect it (especially when you're only pulling in from one sheet).

    The Primary column always comes in with a label of "Primary". You can double-click on that column header in your report to change the name to the Column name from your grid (or to something else if it would make more sense to the people who will be viewing the report). That's the only column you can double-click to change in a report.

  • Hi @Ray Lindstrom,

    When I click on the Columns button, it shows column headers that aren't on my sheet:

    I don't know how I can summarize my sheet if the column headers don't match.

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Benjamin O'Leary,

    It appears that you selected "Sheet Summary Report" instead of "Row Report" when first creating the Report.

    The Sheet Summary report offers system fields as well as fields from the Sheet Summary section.

    Row Reports are intended to summarize the data in the grid, and when using this option you will see the regular columns listed.

    Create a new report from scratch, and select Row Report this time around.

    All the best,


  • Hi @Ray Lindstrom,

    Ah, I see. That worked. Thanks for all your help.
