If And Formula for between dates


I'm trying to write a formula to return a "1" if the reference date falls between two dates.

The highlighted Q1 should show a result of "1" based on the criteria further down the sheet as shown below.

=IF(AND([Planned Date]@row >= $[Actual SIP Date]$177, [Planned Date]@row <= $[shipped On time]$177), "1", "") returns a #INVALID OPERATION error.

For reference, the $[Actual SIP Date]$177 is the location (column header and row) of where the blue highlighted cell is located.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.



Best Answer

  • AnalyticOwl
    AnalyticOwl ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello Amy!

    Your formula looks correct, when you get #invalidad operation could be that the columns where your dates reside are not formatted as dates and that gives the error, check each column and make sure the column type is date maybe that is your problem.

    Hope this could be useful, good vibes to you!



  • AnalyticOwl
    AnalyticOwl ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello Amy!

    Your formula looks correct, when you get #invalidad operation could be that the columns where your dates reside are not formatted as dates and that gives the error, check each column and make sure the column type is date maybe that is your problem.

    Hope this could be useful, good vibes to you!


  • Amy Bedard
    Amy Bedard ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you! It would have taken me forever to figure that out! It was that the second operation was not in a date column.

    I appreciate this!

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