Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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SUMIFS formula

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I'm trying to create a formula that adds my second and third column if the fourth column says "LOST" , I want that same formula to subtract the second column from the first column if the fourth column says "KEPT".

-My column titles are:

Column1: total budget

Column2: money allocated

Column3: tentative remaining

Column4: account status

Column5: amount remaining

I've been fooling around with different formulas for a while and I can't get anything to work. any suggestions?


2017-06-01 13_34_04-Greenshot.jpg


  • ✭✭

    =IF([Account Status]1 = "LOST", [Money Allocated]1 + [Tentative Remaining]1, IF([Account Status]1 = "KEPT", [Money Allocated]1 - [Total Budget]1, 0))

    This formula is only looking for LOST or KEPT, if those are not in [Account Status] it will return 0

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