Data Shuttle - all rows get deleted?


Hi all,

I've got several excel files that I am trying to consolidate within Smartsheets. Unfortunately, the excel files change from month to month and I thought it would be good to delete line items from the target Smartsheet that are no longer in the source sheets.

However, if I select all three options as below, what happens is that it deletes the entire data entry from the target sheet, and does not update only the entries for this sheet. I've tried with no filter criteria, with filter criteria, but it still deletes entries from other source sheets in the target sheet.

Any advice? I'd like to avoid having data in the target sheet that is no longer present in the source sheet.

At this point I am leaving the last option (Delete...) unticked and everything works fine. The only issue is that the target sheet will contain data that is no longer needed there.



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