Remove tooltip pop-ups in Favorites sidebar window

Normally I like tooltips that pop-up to give me additional information on something that could use the extra explanation. In the case of the favorites sidebar menu though, the tooltip just repeats exactly what I already see on my screen, but it also blocks my view of what us underneath the tooltip. Sometimes they make it difficult to see and select the option below also.

Is there any possibility to give an option to turn off tooltips? Or can you just remove them from this particular location? They don't serve any purpose here and worse, they make the use of the favorites menu worse.


  • Hi @Shawn_Durfee

    Do you mean the helper text that pops-up when you hover over an option from the menu?

    If so, then no, there currently isn't a way to turn off the text associated with each symbol. That said, if you move your mouse from hovering over the symbol to somewhere else, it will then remove the helper text (as long as you're not then hovering over a sheet name that is not fully shown, as that will then pop-up will the full sheet name):



  • No, not the tooltip (helper text) from the sidebar Favorites selection. I'm talking about the names of the sheets or reports themselves.

    In your example photos, if you hover your mouse on Genevieve's Monthly..., you'll get a tooltip that restates exactly the same thing as the name of the sheet. That is just redundant, not helpful. But worse, it blocks my ability to see and select the sheet below. Sometimes with an imprecise mouse positioning, I end up hovering on the wrong sheet or report name. The helper text blocks my view of the sheet I'm actually looking for.

  • Hi @Shawn_Durfee

    Thank you for the clarification! There isn't a way to get rid of that helper text either - the sheet name appears when it's being cut off by the panel.

    If you hover of the "1-Current Task Report" you won't see any helper text pop up as the entire name is shown in the panel. Does that make sense?



  • Ah ha! That is why. I thought it was a difference between reports vs sheets or something like that. I did notice that it didn't appear all the time, but failed to notice the pattern. That helps because I can possibly rename the files to shorten them. Thank you!!

  • Haha no problem at all! I'm glad I could help solve the mystery. 🙂