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New Data Validation feature almost works...

Robert Casper
Robert Casper ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Well I was excited to try out the new data validation feature until I realized that you can't put formulas in validated blocks either.  So in a Date column, I can enter "6/2/2017" with no problem but if I enter =TODAY() I get a warning. 

Could we get that fixed?



  • Hi Robert,

    This is expected behavior as we want to make sure that someone can't enter a formula in a data restricted column. The sheet owner and sheet Admins are still able to click "Allow" to enter the formula in the cell.

    If you just need to add a formula here or there, then I'd recommend clicking "Allow" when prompted (if you're the owner or an Admin).

    When setting a sheet up, you'll want to enter your formulas first, then turn on data validation. You'll get a message that it will apply to all future changes.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Robert. Do also be aware that entering Today() will always update to display the current date. Just making sure you are aware of that. 

This discussion has been closed.