Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Contacts list on webform

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I would like to use the dropdown list of contacts in a web-form, does anyone know if this is possible?






  • ✭✭✭✭

    +1 for this!

    I wanted to do the exact same thing today.  I have a sheet with a contact list drop-down that we use for sorting by user in Card View.  We often use a webform to add new rows to this sheet so even if I type the person's name on the webform exactly as it's listed in the contact list drop-down, the sheet doesn't recognize it as the same contact.

    I'll add this request via the enhancement requests webform they set up recently: (



  • Hi Guys,


    I use web forms regularly and have no issue using drop downs. Just have to make sure that your sheet is set up with drop downs.

    Not sure why you guys can't do it??



  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Kylie,

    We're speaking specifically about columns that are formatted as Contact List columns. Smartsheet recently added the ability to create a drop-down list of contacts in a contact list column within the sheet itself, but this doesn't extend to webforms. Certainly, regular drop-down list columns work great on webforms and I use it all the time, but that's not the case with contact list columns.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have this exact same need right now--the ability to input a name in a Form that will automatically have true Contact Name functionality. This would enable task assignment via Forms. Right now, it just enters the name as text, rather than as a Contact Name.



  • Overachievers Alumni

    +1 for this. I am setting up a form for employee leave and want to make sure that the names entered (employee name, manager name, primary backup) match the contacts in our Enterprise Account. Not having this feature is a pain!

  • ✭✭✭

    +1 for this feature as well. 

    We are trying to establish an up-to-date sheet that keeps track of our Quarterly Vehicle Inspections for out fleet vehicles. Filling out a web form via Smartsheet is extremely useful but having to manage a "Drop-Down" list on a day-to-day basis is very cumbersome. I would rather manage my users via the "User Management" menu and rest easy knowing all of my web forms will be up to date with the latest and greatest contact as we will always have employees coming and going.  

  • ✭✭✭

    I was looking around and I found a "workaround" that I am happy with: Forms -> Edit -> Form Options -> Set Accessible by: A registered Smartsheet User (Requires Login).

    Having a column in my sheet that is using the Auto-Number/System column type and having "Created By" as my system generated column will kick out the email address of the person that submitted the form. For our company this works well as we have a FirstName.LastName@XYZ.Com email address format. 

  • ✭✭

    +1. Would love this feature!

  • ✭✭

    +1. Would love this feature as well!

  • +1. We have a list of project requests that require us to track several people that are responsible for it. This sheet also uses the Auto Number column, so the main way to interact with the sheet is through the forms. Its a bummer that this isn't a feature because we need the emails attached to each contact entered in order to notify them when the project changes. Using the login option might allow us to track one of these names for now but I highly recommend this feature for anyone in the same boat.

  • If you add all your manager/employees in the column properties of your contact list column, and then limit column to list values only, the entry on the form for that column will be a dropdown list of those contacts.

  • Overachievers Alumni

    We have over 200 users in our account and add/remove new users frequently so adding them to dropdowns in sheets is impractical. We use data mesh as a workaround (enter email addresses on the form and then we have a user list sheet that matches names in a contact list column), but this requires correct data entry and frequent checks of the sheet.

    it word be great to have this functionality added as we have increasing numbers of sheets and forms, and the workarounds cause additional time for our users.

  • ✭✭✭


    Just looking to see if there was any further development in regards to this.  


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