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Formulas - Results show an extra 2

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have a very basic SUM formual in my smartsheet. The resulting number is 2 more than it should be. I've cleared the forumla and built it from scratch, and double checked the data in the column. If I handcount, I get the right answer, but the SUM consistently is 2 over. Simiarly, in the next column, I have a COUNTIF formula ... again, 2 over. What am I doing wrong?



  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/20/16

    First - to check - try to drag and highlight the range you would like to sum up. On the right bottom of the page, you'll see three values in white: count, sum and avg (average). Does it show what you expect or 2 over?

    Isn't there a hidden row or something? 

    If no solution, could you give a printscreen?

  • Racster
    edited 08/23/16

    Thanks for your help!


    "On the right bottom of the page, you'll see three values in white: count, sum and avg (average). Does it show what you expect or 2 over?"


    YES!! In the sum line at the bottom right, the result is correct. But in the sum line of the formula, it's still off by 2.


    What does this tell me?

  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Isn't there a value filtered out? Like here, I have a filter "greater than 1" (the last cell contains a =SUM()):



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