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Consolodating multiple sheet info onto a single report line

Simon Davis
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


I run a  smartsheet where users create smartsheet sheets to plan individual projects.


I have a list of all the sheets required.


I want to pull a report that compares the list of sheets required with the sheets actually created to track progress.


I can create a report which pulls them in as pairs of rows (1 line from project sheet, 1 line from list of sheets required) but I want the data on a single row, not on pairs of rows.


I cannot figure out how to do it, any suggsetions?


(There are 1000's of sheets required so manual intervention isn't ok!)


  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Simon-- Currently, the Reporting functionality in Smartsheet is designed to collate rows from one or multiple sheets into a single report, not to combine cells from multiple rows into one row. The functionality to do this in Smartsheet does not currently exist in Smartsheet. To best convey what you would be looking for in the feature to our Product team, can you provide some more information on how you're correlating rows? For example, how would you want Smartsheet to connect two rows?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Have you looked at the Sheet Access Report?


    Find it here:

    Account | Account Admin | User Management | More Actions





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