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Create report based on parent row

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Thanks in advance for any advice. I appreciate your time and expertise.

I would like to create a reports that include all children of a parent row. For example, the parent row is "apples", the children rows are gala, granny smith, golden delicious and honey crip. Another parent row is pears. Children rows to "pears" are bartlett, bosc and green anjou, another parent row "oranges" children rows are blood orange, naval orange, tangerine and clementine. How could I pull a report of only the apples? By pointing to the colum, the report only sees the word "apples" in the parent row - but I want is a report showing only the children rows: gala, granny smith, golden delicious and honey crip. I feel like I am missing something obvious here. Any suggestions?


  • Shaine Greenwood



    Currently, there isn't an "include children" option in Reports; in fact, Reports aren't even able to display hierarchy since they don't know if the rows they're bringing in are children or parents—they just bring in the rows that meet the criteria regardless of their hierarchical place. I'll get your vote down for an "include children" option in reports on our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    As a potential workaround, you might make sure to include all types of apples that you need by their name as criteria in the Report Builder form. 


    Otherwise, you can create a checkbox column in your sheet, check the boxes for the rows you wish to have included in your report, then use the Report Builder form to bring in all rows that have the box checked in the sheet.


    Details on reporting are available here: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522214-creating-reports

  • cm

    Thanks! None of those work arounds work for me (I am not really tracking apples, I just used that as an example ;))

    This sheet is updated by many contributors. Keeping naming conventions consistent is not likely, likewise for checkboxes. 

    I hope to see this enhancement soon! 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could create a column that is used to track if the row is a parent or child.

    In that column or another, you could get the parent's 'category' and insert it into the child row.

    Build the report to grab that info and you should have your work around.

    Look at the PARENT formula for something that may help.


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