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highlight changes in report format disappears in sights

Masha Iris
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



i have a report, and in it i have "highlight recent changes". works lovely.

but when i show this report in sights, the highlighting disappears, even though the rest of the format is there.


is there a way to leave highlighting in sights?




  • I noticed this as well..interested to hear the response 

  • Daniel Stein

    Thanks Tony and Masha for the question. We have "highlight changes" in Sights on our list of features to consider in a future release and have noted your vote for the feature.


    We would build the feature such that it highlights changes relative to when you last viewed the Sight rather than the underlying report. Passing through the formatting from the report would lead to unexpected results in some cases, e.g., cells would stay yellow even upon multiple viewings of the Sight.


    Thanks again for your question and feedback.



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