Pulling data from one sheet to another



In Sheet 1, I have Column A that lists courses to be developed in the next term. There are several rows, but not every row contains a course.

Row 1---BUS 123

Row 2---CUL 232

Row 3---

Row 4---DSH 343

Row 5---ENT 111

Row 6---

Row 7---

Row 8---HSM 399


In Sheet 2, I would like to include the list of courses from Sheet 1 but without the empty rows:

Row 1---BUS 123

Row 2---CUL 232

Row 3---DSH 343

Row 4---ENT 111

Row 5---HSM 399


Once I have those courses in Sheet 2, I will use Index/Match to find other information about those courses in Sheet 1 and one or two other sheets that contain information about those courses.

I know you can use Cell Linking, but if I do this, I get the empty cells. Is there a way to "collect" just the list of courses (excluding the empty rows) in Sheet 1, then put them in Sheet 2 on separate rows? I don't need to worry about the list in Sheet 2 being dynamic. Once its in Sheet 2, it doesn't need to change in any way if courses are changed in Sheet 1.

Thanks for your advice! :)


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