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changing text removes formatting???

Claire Diener
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I have a highly fomatted sheet with lots of rows of different colors, font sizes and also a few conditional formattings elements. Somehow, when I change the text in the cell, all of the color formatting is removed, and I can't add it back in.


I've tried multiple browsers and nothing is working! Help please?!?!?


  • Benjamin Walker



    Without knowing the specifics of the sheet it will be hard to help you. Are you certain your conditional formatting is not causing these changes? I would suggest emailing support@smartsheet.com if you think there is a problem happening with your sheet so they can better help you.





  • Claire Diener

    thanks, Ben. Conditional formatting is the first thing I checked, and it wasn't that. I will email them right now!



  • Heidi Decker
    Heidi Decker ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Claire,

    I had that problem a while back and we could not figure it out. I ended up saving my sheet as a new sheet name and everything started to work again. Maybe support can re-set your account and that might help.


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 10/21/16

    Hi Claire—it's possible that highlight changes has been enabled in your sheet, and the color has been set to white.


    Can you click the highlight changes button in the toolbar on the left and disable this just to make sure?


    If that doesn't fix it, then emailing Support@Smartsheet.com is definitely your best next step.

  • Claire Diener

    that was the problem! tech-support also figured that out too. we have a few new hires and they must have been playing and i didn't notice :) Thanks!

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