Calculating an Average based upon a value in other column

Kandee Evans
Kandee Evans ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I have a calculation to calculate the number of days between two columns.

=IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS([Date Submitted]41, [Go Live Date]41), " ")  It works great to return a blank if the customer has not gone live.

Then I have formula to calculate the average of the cells.

=AVG([Number of Days to Implement]12:[Number of Days to Implement]41)  Also works great !

I now want to calculate the average based upon a region (EAST, WEST, CENTRAL, MOUNTAIN)

I tried this formula but it is not working.

=AVG([Number of Days to Implement]12:[Number of Days to Implement]41, [US Region]:[US Region], "Central")

Any suggestions?



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