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[Need Help] Non-License user can hide column but can't unhide?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I understand that only License user can hide or un-hide column in sheet they are admin.

  • Hide/unhide columns (also requires Sheet Owner or Admin access to the sheet)

But we have some user (non-licensed but part of our Business) that are able to shrink a column in a sheet they are admin, but they are unable to unhide.


Is it normal?

If yes, it's weird in term of user experience and seems to cause some frustration.


Any feedback would be appreciate.




  • Kara Lumley

    Hi JMD,

    In order to hide/unhide a column, the user must have a license.

    More info is here.

    Hope this helps,



  • JMD

    Maybe it's not supposed to, but non-license user a able to just "shrink" the column and therefor result in a hided column. (and are not able to unhide since they are non-license)

    I guest the workaround is to not give Admin access to non-license user for now.




  • Pepenav

    This reply doesn't really answer my particular query.

    I have a number of users which are paid (licenced) and I have made them group admin but they still cannot hide/unhide the columns.

    What have I missed ?


    licenced user.png

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    A Group administrator has access to the Group functionality. 

    This is not the same as Admin privilege on a Sheet or other object 

    It is not, as you may have thought, a means to give access in a batch or group of users at the same time.



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