Help using join & collect function with multiple criteria & having the delimiter be a semi-colon and

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I've been able to successfully use join and collect function with 1 criteria, but not two and am also curious if I can have the results within a cell space to look like Ctrl+Enter was used after each one to be able to easily read through all of the results. 

Working formula with 1 criteria:

 =JOIN(COLLECT({Product Roadmap full name Range 1}, {Product Roadmap Release Month Range 1}, Release@row), "; ")


Non-working formula trying to use 2:

=JOIN(COLLECT({Product Roadmap full name Range 1}, {Product Roadmap Release Month Range 1}, Release@row, [{Product Roadmap Lane Range 1},Lane@row]), "; ")



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