How do I calculate IF statement to multidrop down list?


I can trying to get my sheet to calculate different values based on what is selected in the drop down. Example: If "Partner introduction" is selected populate 10 points in "points earned" column and $1 in the "dollar value earned" column, If "Quote Request" is selected populate 50 points in the "points earned" column and $5 in the "dollar value earned" column. For some reason, I can think of how I type out this formula. PLEASE HELP

Best Answer


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    With that many different options, I suggest creating a table similar to @Werner Gerstacker's second solution. The only thing I personally would change is to use an INDEX/MATCH instead of a VLOOKUP, but depending on the specifics, that could end up being strictly personal preference instead of making a functional difference.

    Either way... I strongly recommend referencing a table instead of a nested IF for this many different options.

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