Custom Date Range bug


I am trying to export our office task table for ongoing projects with a custom date range from now to end of year 2020.

The exported sheet always shows task scheduled in 2021, 2022, ...

Is there a bug with the custom date range functionality ?



Best Answers


  • Hi @gparadis,

    If you're trying to export a sheet in the Calendar View or Gantt View, you should be able to use the Custom Date Range in the PDF Setup window to filter out anything that doesn't fall between the specified range.

    If your resulting PDFs are showing information outside of the custom range you set (e.g., 2021 dates), this sounds like a technical issue and I highly recommend reaching out to the Support team ( as they will be the best resource for troubleshooting the issue.

    In the meantime, you could try setting a Filter on the sheet to only show rows where the Start Date is between 7/15/2020 and 12/31.2020.

    If you apply the filter, save the sheet, and export from there, the PDF should only show the dates in the filter date range.

    I hope this helps!


  • gparadis
    gparadis ✭✭
    edited 07/20/20

    Thanks Ben.

    Adding the custom date range does not work, this is my issue here.

    I've sent out a request to the support team.

    Adding the 'Start Date' filter does work, but it filters out items that have already started before entered dates... I guess the filter I need is 'Ongoing Tasks' between x and y... but there is no filter like this one... at least that I can think of for now...

    Or perhaps with a formula that analyzes the start/end dates and which could indicate in a separate column "Past, Ongoing or Future" within a certain timeframe, then a filter would work out...

    I guess that is the intended purpose of Custom Date Range under print/PDF...

    Thanks for the help !


  • @Paul Newcome

    Hi Paul, I saw you have posted several formula comments / solutions. Do you have insight on this one ?



  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Until you hear back from support, one option would be a checkbox helper column with a formula in it to filter on. The formula in the checkbox column would look something like...

    =IF(AND([Start Date]@row <= DATE(2020, 12, 31), [End Date]@row >= TODAY()), 1)

    This will check the box for any task that is "active" between today and the end of this year. Then you can filter on the checkbox column.

  • @Paul Newcome Thanks ! It works like a charm.

    Question about automatic re-checking the boxes when the date I want to visualize ongoing tasks changes. Is this possible ? I've tried to link the date function to a cell with the date as a text input.. does not work.

    ex. "2020, 12, 31" in column 18, row 1and modified function DATE([Column18]1) in your equation.

    Anything I'm doing wrong ?

    Thanks, Guillaume

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    As long as the cell reference is in a date type column, you would not need the DATE function. You would just use the cell reference.

  • Isaac Jose
    Isaac Jose Employee

    Hello all,

    My name is Isaac J from the technical support team. I'm currently investigating this behavior. I found that the PDF date range settings only seem to affect the date range of the Gantt chart in the export, but it does not seem filter out the rows which occur outside of the date range. I recommend the following workaround:

    1. Create a sheet filter that ensures that only tasks of the next 3 weeks are displayed. To create a filter, follow this help article ( Example filter below.
    2. Print your sheet as a PDF with the desired date range.

    Setting the filter will ensure that only the desired rows are included. Setting the date range in the PDF settings will ensure that the Gantt only displays the desired timeline.

    Please use this workaround while we continue looking into this on our end. I hope this helps!

    Isaac J

    Smartsheet Support

  • Hi Isaac,

    It is November now, is this resolved yet? I'm still unable to PDF the date range that I wanted.