Formula for a column vs cell


I have this formula but would like it to be a column formula.

=IF(ISBLANK([Entry ID]1), "Desktop Form", "Mobile App")

The syntax isn't right for me to use it as a column formula, can someone help?


Submission Method column will say Desktop Form if the Entry ID column is blank

Submission Method column will say Mobile App if NOT blank.


Best Answers

  • Christine Maurer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Ruth!

    Try this:

    =IF([Entry ID]@row = "", "DesktopForm", "Mobile App")


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ruth Schoonover

    You're receiving a 0 in your formula since you are adding together different IF statements with the + symbol. This means that if the first IF statement is false, it will return "" or Blank, which is seen as 0:

    IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Denver Water", "Utilities")

    Then if this is "", or 0, you're adding this to the beginning of the next statement:

    0 + IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Xcel Energy", "Utilities")

    Instead, try embedding the IF statements together for a Nested IF statement, like so:

    =IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Denver Water", "Utilities", IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Xcel Energy", "Utilities", IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Corey Dobbs", "Rent Received", IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Westerra Credit Union", "Mortgage"))))




  • Christine Maurer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Ruth!

    Try this:

    =IF([Entry ID]@row = "", "DesktopForm", "Mobile App")


  • Ruth Schoonover

    Worked perfect, thank you!

  • Ruth Schoonover

    I have another row formula that maybe you can help with.

    =IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Denver Water", "Utilities") + IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Xcel Energy", "Utilities") + IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Corey Dobbs", "Rent Received") + IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Westerra Credit Union", "Mortgage")

    It auto fills the cells properly but I start getting a zero before the text. What is causing the 0?

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ruth Schoonover

    You're receiving a 0 in your formula since you are adding together different IF statements with the + symbol. This means that if the first IF statement is false, it will return "" or Blank, which is seen as 0:

    IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Denver Water", "Utilities")

    Then if this is "", or 0, you're adding this to the beginning of the next statement:

    0 + IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Xcel Energy", "Utilities")

    Instead, try embedding the IF statements together for a Nested IF statement, like so:

    =IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Denver Water", "Utilities", IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Xcel Energy", "Utilities", IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Corey Dobbs", "Rent Received", IF([Payment To_From]@row = "Westerra Credit Union", "Mortgage"))))



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