How to count checkboxes-checked, between Nov 1st, 2020 and December 1st, 2020


I am looking for help creating a formula that works with the above question. I will replicate it for each month through one fiscal year timeline.

Currently I have this formula which results in UNPARSEABLE.

=COUNTIF({Data Range 3X}, true), COUNTIFS({Tuning Release Date Range}, >= A11, {Tuning Release Date Range}, <= A12)

I have also tried another formula, but it does not count properly.

=COUNTIFS({Tuning Release Date Range}, IFERROR((@cell), 0) >= DATE(2020, 11, 1), {Tuning Release Date Range}, IFERROR((@cell), 0) <= DATE(2020, 12, 1), {Data Range 1A}, COUNTIF({Data Range 3X}, true))

Looking to, count the amount of dates within each month that show a checkbox - checked.


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