restrict a form to only the person submitting

I built a form for contractors to enter the days worked, hours, tips, etc.., and the sheet calculates total pay, total hours, etc. Is there a way I can make the form so that when a contractor opens the form, they are only allowed to submit their info? Currently the name field is a dropdown listing all contractors, and anyone can select any name and submit. If I make it a text field where they enter their name, then they may accidentally misspell it or they could enter someone else's name and submit for another person. I thought about doing a separate form/sheet for each person, but I only get 10 sheets unless I upgrade plans. Thoughts?

Best Answer

  • Jen Lange
    Jen Lange ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @cpholmes28, you can set the field default value in the form to the person for whom you're saving the particular version of the form.

    So in the screenshot below, pretend that "RAID Status" was the name field. In the right panel, (bottom right) you can select a Default Value for that field in the form.

