Editing multiple update requests


Is there a way to filter/sort by rows with pending update requests or even mass delete all pending requests?

Pulling together a list of pending requests for follow up as well as deleting all stale pending requests before the next automatic occurrence is a real pain!

Best Answer


  • Lauren La'Brooy

    Has the mass delete feature been created yet? this would be really helpful has I have multiple outdated pending update requests that I would like to clear

  • Dennis Jolley

    A process to delete pending update requests would be awesome. I have multiple requests that need to be cleaned up.

    Thank you!

    Dennis Jolley

  • Alan Lee

    This function would be really helpful!

  • SarahGL
    SarahGL ✭✭

    I also need this function! Each row in my sheet has multiple recipients for the update requests, which are sent 3x/month. I have a lot of clutter in the list of update requests, but it does not warrant the time to delete manually, one-by-one.

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