Countifs OR Formula Issues


I am doing a countifs formula, and am unsure how to include an OR formula.

In the Summary Program column located on another sheet, I want it to count the number of both Bi-Annual and EMEA cells. for rows which Summary Season is S21 This is the formula I have used that resulted in an Invalid Operation error.

=COUNTIFS({Summary Season}, "S21", {Summary Program}, OR("Bi-Annual", "EMEA"))

The Season and Program columns are located on another smartsheet, and the references are correct. Below is a sample of the two columns. I would like the formula to look at this and total it to 6.


Best Answer

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓



    =COUNTIFS({Summary Season}, "S21", {Summary Program}, OR(@cell="Bi-Annual", @cell="EMEA"))


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